Interview d’Henri Joli, le conseiller secret des Stylistes chinois – Interview of Henri Joli, the secret adviser of the Chinese Fashion designers
8 mars 2021 – March 8th 2021
Aujourd’hui nous avons le plaisir d’interviewer Henri Joli, Ex JP JP Gaultier, entrepreneur et expert de la mode internationale – Today we have the pleasure of interviewing Henri Joli, Ex JP JP Gaultier, businessman and expert of international fashion.
« Les jeunes stylistes chinois ne veulent plus faire de la copie ou du Mass Market » , Henri nous explique son point de vue sur la mode, et la jeune génération en Chine – « The young Chinese fashion designers do not want to make any more of the copy or Mass Market », Henri explains us his point of view on fashion, and younger generation in China.
1- Pourriez vous vous présenter auprès de notre audience? Could you introduce yourself to our audience?
Hello, je m’appelle Henri Joli et je suis Expert et Directeur Artistique Mode International en free-lance. Mon parcours est très simple, j’ai été pendant plus de 20 ans au côté du couturier «Jean-Paul Gaultier» Maison de Haute Couture et proche de celui-ci où j’ai participé et organisé les plus grands événements, je me suis construit une notoriété des plus appréciables dans ces secteurs. En 2006, je lance ma Maison de Couture toujours à Paris avec un jeune couturier en l’épaulant sur tous les domaines existants et primordiaux pendant 12 ans. Ma Maison a été reconnue par tous les médias internationaux par ses compétences, talents et réussites exceptionnelles. En juin 2014, me voici parti à la conquête de la Chine et c’est uniquement en 2018 que j’ouvre ma société de consultant à Hong-Kong et en 2019 à Shanghai.
Hello, my name is Henri Joli and I am Expert and Artistic Fashion International Director as a freelancer. My course is very simple, I was during more than 20 years next to the couturier ” Jean – Paul Gaultier ” Maison de Haute couture and close to this one where I participated and organized the biggest events, I constructed a notability of the most significant in these areas. In 2006, I throw my Maison de Haute Couture always in Paris with a young couturier by backing it up on all existent and primordial domains during 12 years. My Maison de Haute Couture was acknowledged by all international mass media by its competences, talents and special successes. In June 2014, I left in the conquest of China and it is only in 2018 that I open my consultant’s society in Hong Kong and in 2019 in Shanghai.
2- Concrètement comment aidez vous les acteurs de la mode? In concrete terms how you help the actors of fashion?
Mes sociétés sont des plateformes multifonctions dans le secteur de la Mode ! Nous intervenons auprès des jeunes et moins jeunes stylistes chinois au niveau des collections mais également nous organisons de A à Z des défilés de mode et donnons des cours d’étiquette à l’occasion, toujours sur la Mode.
My Companies are multipurpose platforms in the area of Fashion! We intervene to the young and less young Chinese fashion designers at the level of collections but also we organize fashion shows from A to Z and give Etiquette classes in opportunity, always into Fashion.
3- Qu’est ce qui fait la réussite ou l’échec d’une marque de mode en Chine? What makes success or failure of a Fashion brand in China?
Il faut être positif dans la vie en général et je ne vous répondrai que sur la réussite d’une marque de mode en Chine. Il y a un vrai travail de psychologie à entreprendre sur chaque collection ! tout d’abord il faut absolument comprendre le marché chinois et le respecter. Le marché chinois est constamment en évolution et son futur est le marché du Luxe ! Il y a de plus en plus de Dames d’affaires chinoises ayant une forte position dans la société chinoise et elles ne veulent pas avoir la même tenue que sa voisine où même ressembler à qui que ce soit, elles recherchent de plus en plus des marques de « Niche » pour se démarquer de la société.
You have to be positive in life in general and I will only answer you on the success of a fashion brand in China. There is a real work of psychology to be undertaken on each collection! first of all, it is essential to understand and respect the Chinese market. The Chinese market is constantly evolving and its future is the Luxury market! There are more and more powerful Chinese Ladies into business with a strong position in Chinese society and they don’t want to have the same outfit as their neighbor or even look like anyone, they are looking more and more for ”Niche” brands to stand out from society.
4- Avec quelles sociétés avez vous travaillé? Which companies have you worked with?
Je suis un Homme très fidèle en général de ce côté-là et je n’ai travaillé que pour une seule société, celle que j’ai cité au-dessus, la suite est mon propre parcours.
I am a very loyal man in general on that side and I have only worked for one company, the one I mentioned above, the rest is my own journey.
5- Quelle est votre vision sur le marché chinois de la mode? What is your vision on the Chinese fashion market?
Les jeunes stylistes ne veulent plus faire de la copie ou du Mass Market ! la nouvelle génération possède de vrais talents et bien-sur le marché chinois se dirige de plus en plus vers un marché plus personnalisé donc Luxe !
Young stylists no longer want to copy or mass market! the new generation has real talents and of course the Chinese market is moving more and more towards a more personalized market, therefore Luxury!
6- Quelles sont les grandes tendances 2021? What are the major trends for 2021?
Les codes couleurs désignées par la société Pantone est le Jaune et le Gris à partir de là il y a de quoi faire au niveau de la tendance mais elle restera encore très sage dû à la pandémie encore présente.
The color codes designated by the company Pantone are Yellow and Gray from there there is something to do in terms of the trend but it will still remain very wise due to the still present pandemic.
7- Est ce que les réseaux sociaux en Chine sont importants pour une marque de mode? Are social networks in China important for a fashion brand?
Absolument, c’est même primordial ! La Chine possède cette facilité de réseaux qu’il faut connaitre pour avancer dans le marché chinois.
Absolutely, it is even essential! China has this facility of networks which one must know to advance in the Chinese market.
8- Quelles marques de mode selon vous maitrise le mieux le digital en Chine? Which fashion brands do you think have the best digital skills in China?
Sur cette question je vais être bref car en général toutes les marques ce sont mis au digital mais pour ma part et cela reste personnel, il n’y a rien qui puisse remplacer la main de l’homme surtout pour le floue.
On this question I will be brief because in general all brands are digital, but for me and this remains personal, there is nothing that can replace the human hand, especially for the floue technic.
9- Quelle est votre vision sur les KOLs en Chine… Peuvent ils faire ou non naitre les tendances de demain? What is your vision on the KOLs in China… Can they or not give rise to the trends of tomorrow?
C’est un phénomène typiquement lié à la Chine ! Oui les marques ont besoin de ces KOL pour vendre plus facilement leurs collections mais nuance ces KOL ne font pas la mode et n’apportent aucune tendance ni d’hier ni de demain, ils facilitent les ventes commerciales, ce n’est pas pareille !
This is a phenomenon typically linked to China! Yes, brands need these KOLs to sell their collections more easily, but these KOLs are not fashionable and do not bring any trends either yesterday or tomorrow, they facilitate commercial sales, it is not the same!
10- Et la question la plus importante, est ce que l’année du boeuf va t elle être une bonne année pour la fashion? And the most important question, is the Year of the Ox going to be a good year for fashion?
Comme évoqué au paragraphe 3, il faut être optimiste, elle ne fera pas un bon extraordinaire mais elle sera de toutes les manières bien meilleure que l’an passé où c’était un K.O. mondial.
As mentioned in paragraph 3, we have to be optimistic, it will not make an extraordinary good but it will in any case be much better than last year when it was a world knockout.
On peut me trouver à travers mon site www.hjoli.com (sans vpn pour la Chine) ainsi que sur tous les réseaux sociaux tels que Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Youku, Wechat Officiel, Douyin, Weibo ainsi que sur Little red book.
I can be found through my website www.hjoli.com (without vpn for China) as well as on all social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Youku, Official WeChat, Douyin, Weibo as well as on Little red book.
In Shanghai at the end of February, with continuous drizzle and chilly spring, the branches in the streets and alleys sprout and are full of vitality.
On the afternoon of February 28, the jennyang Shanghai K11 flash shop on the second floor of Shanghai K11 shopping Art Center opened. It was a delicate and warm ceremony that brought people different splendor.
JY flash shop became the most popular punch in place in Shanghai, and many KOL dressed up to attend. The guests gathered at the scene, took a group photo and had a good talk. Among them, there are many heavyweight guests, including Paul Burke, former CEO of laofoye department store, Lu Zhongping, artist, Stella Yan, CEO of Wanning China, Richard Wang, CEO of UPP, Henri Joli, senior fashion expert of France, etc
After a brief welcome speech, the event officially began.
Jenny, founder of “Queen of high heels” brand jennyang, talks about the brand development history and three years’ achievements.
Jennyang is called “the high-heeled shoes with thinking, attitude and ability to run” by elites. In the past few months, the development momentum has been rapid, especially in Shanghai, where the 672 studio of Changle Road was set up first, and then the K11 flash shop was opened. A cultural street, a trend landmark, site selection and fashion.
When it comes to the origin of brand creation, Jenny sums it up as “inspiration + empowerment”. The founding of jennyang is not only a temporary passion, but also an eternal beginning.
First of all, based on herself, Jenny wants to make a pair of comfortable, beautiful and versatile ol high-heeled shoes to provide elegant and practical “winning weapon” for elite women.
Secondly, in the current market, many of the founders of shoes are men. Shoes are just a kind of commodity, but only women can understand women, and only from the perspective of women can we develop high-heeled shoes with real “Empathy”.
Finally, empowerment. Jennyang is not only a pair of high heels. As a brand carrier, it carries the spiritual meaning and enables women to draw strength from it.
When it comes to the characteristics of the brand, Jenny uses three CS to explain the characteristics and advantages of JY shoes.
The first is color. JY has more than 100 colors, including Tiffany blue, ocean blue and sapphire blue
The second is classic, classic. According to the principle of ergonomics design last, versatile style, elegant style, easy to deal with all occasions. The third is comfort, comfort. It’s made by hand. It can be made from Size 34 to 42. It’s imported from Italy. It’s made of genuine leather. It’s breathable and skin friendly. It’s light and comfortable after standing for a long time.
Afterwards, the ribbon cutting ceremony was held.
Jenny invited eight friends and food and beverage sponsors to take part in the ribbon cutting, announcing the official opening of jennyang’s first flash shop.
The joint venture between jennyang and K11 fully reflects the quality style of JY. For JY, it’s an attempt to enter high-end shopping malls and create a better future with a good start.
JY goddess, VIP customers and media friends are invited to witness this special moment. Guests from all over the world, Britain, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Romania Different nationalities, different skin colors, out of the heartfelt love of jennyang, gathered together.
The scene was in a harmonious atmosphere. Everyone raised their glasses to celebrate the opening of jennyang brand flash shop and wish everything goes well in the new year.
(address: Shop 208, second floor, K11 shopping Art Center, Shanghai)
In March, the grass grows and the warbler flies. Jennyang K11 flash shop can be used as a new clock in point. As we all know, K11 is the fashion vane of Shanghai, with unique geographical conditions. Chanel, Maxmara, Cartier, Segio Rossi on the first floor, Jennyang on the right side of the elevator on the second floor, adjacent to Jimmy Choo. Welcome to Shanghai and JY fans in Shanghai.
Besides Changle Road and K11 in Shanghai, there are four seasons hotel in Beijing, langting hotel in Hefei and W hotel in Suzhou. You can also find Jennyang.
If you do not wake up, you may want to stay at home, you can also focus on the JENNYANG official account, and click the small program to place a key. In the future, JY will expand other categories, such as accessories, women’s bags, rich goddess’s wardrobe
Just as jennyang advocated “colour your world with comfort”.
There is always a touch of color, decorate your world.
In Shanghai at the end of February, with continuous drizzle and chilly spring, the branches in the streets and alleys sprout and are full of vitality.
On the afternoon of February 28, the jennyang Shanghai K11 flash shop on the second floor of Shanghai K11 shopping Art Center opened. It was a delicate and warm ceremony that brought people different splendor.
JY flash shop became the most popular punch in place in Shanghai, and many KOL dressed up to attend. The guests gathered at the scene, took a group photo and had a good talk. Among them, there are many heavyweight guests, including Paul Burke, former CEO of laofoye department store, Lu Zhongping, artist, Stella Yan, CEO of Wanning China, Richard Wang, CEO of UPP, Henri Joli, senior fashion expert of France, etc
After a brief welcome speech, the event officially began.
Jenny, founder of “Queen of high heels” brand jennyang, talks about the brand development history and three years’ achievements.
Jennyang is called “the high-heeled shoes with thinking, attitude and ability to run” by elites. In the past few months, the development momentum has been rapid, especially in Shanghai, where the 672 studio of Changle Road was set up first, and then the K11 flash shop was opened. A cultural street, a trend landmark, site selection and fashion.
When it comes to the origin of brand creation, Jenny sums it up as “inspiration + empowerment”. The founding of jennyang is not only a temporary passion, but also an eternal beginning.
First of all, based on herself, Jenny wants to make a pair of comfortable, beautiful and versatile ol high-heeled shoes to provide elegant and practical “winning weapon” for elite women.
Secondly, in the current market, many of the founders of shoes are men. Shoes are just a kind of commodity, but only women can understand women, and only from the perspective of women can we develop high-heeled shoes with real “Empathy”.
Finally, empowerment. Jennyang is not only a pair of high heels. As a brand carrier, it carries the spiritual meaning and enables women to draw strength from it.
When it comes to the characteristics of the brand, Jenny uses three CS to explain the characteristics and advantages of JY shoes.
The first is color. JY has more than 100 colors, including Tiffany blue, ocean blue and sapphire blue
The second is classic, classic. According to the principle of ergonomics design last, versatile style, elegant style, easy to deal with all occasions.
The third is comfort, comfort. It’s made by hand. It can be made from Size 34 to 42. It’s imported from Italy. It’s made of genuine leather. It’s breathable and skin friendly. It’s light and comfortable after standing for a long time.
Afterwards, the ribbon cutting ceremony was held.
Jenny invited eight friends and food and beverage sponsors to take part in the ribbon cutting, announcing the official opening of jennyang’s first flash shop.
The joint venture between jennyang and K11 fully reflects the quality style of JY. For JY, it’s an attempt to enter high-end shopping malls and create a better future with a good start.
JY goddess, VIP customers and media friends are invited to witness this special moment. Guests from all over the world, Britain, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Romania Different nationalities, different skin colors, out of the heartfelt love of jennyang, gathered together.
The scene was in a harmonious atmosphere. Everyone raised their glasses to celebrate the opening of jennyang brand flash shop and wish everything goes well in the new year.
(address: Shop 208, second floor, K11 shopping Art Center, Shanghai)
In March, the grass grows and the warbler flies. Jennyang K11 flash shop can be used as a new clock in point. As we all know, K11 is the fashion vane of Shanghai, with unique geographical conditions. Chanel, Maxmara, Cartier, Segio Rossi on the first floor, Jennyang on the right side of the elevator on the second floor, adjacent to Jimmy Choo. Welcome to Shanghai and JY fans in Shanghai.
Besides Changle Road and K11 in Shanghai, there are four seasons hotel in Beijing, langting hotel in Hefei and W hotel in Suzhou. You can also find Jennyang.
If you do not wake up, you may want to stay at home, you can also focus on the JENNYANG official account, and click the small program to place a key. In the future, JY will expand other categories, such as accessories, women’s bags, rich goddess’s wardrobe
Just as jennyang advocated “colour your world with comfort”.
There is always a touch of color, decorate your world.
In Shanghai at the end of February, with continuous drizzle and chilly spring, the branches in the streets and alleys sprout and are full of vitality.
On the afternoon of February 28, the jennyang Shanghai K11 flash shop on the second floor of Shanghai K11 shopping Art Center opened. It was a delicate and warm ceremony that brought people different splendor.
JY flash shop became the most popular punch in place in Shanghai, and many KOL dressed up to attend. The guests gathered at the scene, took a group photo and had a good talk. Among them, there are many heavyweight guests, including Paul Burke, former CEO of laofoye department store, Lu Zhongping, artist, Stella Yan, CEO of Wanning China, Richard Wang, CEO of UPP, Henri Joli, senior fashion expert of France, etc
After a brief welcome speech, the event officially began.
Jenny, founder of “Queen of high heels” brand jennyang, talks about the brand development history and three years’ achievements.
Jennyang is called “the high-heeled shoes with thinking, attitude and ability to run” by elites. In the past few months, the development momentum has been rapid, especially in Shanghai, where the 672 studio of Changle Road was set up first, and then the K11 flash shop was opened. A cultural street, a trend landmark, site selection and fashion.
When it comes to the origin of brand creation, Jenny sums it up as “inspiration + empowerment”. The founding of jennyang is not only a temporary passion, but also an eternal beginning.
First of all, based on herself, Jenny wants to make a pair of comfortable, beautiful and versatile ol high-heeled shoes to provide elegant and practical “winning weapon” for elite women.
Secondly, in the current market, many of the founders of shoes are men. Shoes are just a kind of commodity, but only women can understand women, and only from the perspective of women can we develop high-heeled shoes with real “Empathy”.
Finally, empowerment. Jennyang is not only a pair of high heels. As a brand carrier, it carries the spiritual meaning and enables women to draw strength from it.
When it comes to the characteristics of the brand, Jenny uses three CS to explain the characteristics and advantages of JY shoes.
The first is color. JY has more than 100 colors, including Tiffany blue, ocean blue and sapphire blue
The second is classic, classic. According to the principle of ergonomics design last, versatile style, elegant style, easy to deal with all occasions.
The third is comfort, comfort. It’s made by hand. It can be made from Size 34 to 42. It’s imported from Italy. It’s made of genuine leather. It’s breathable and skin friendly. It’s light and comfortable after standing for a long time.
Afterwards, the ribbon cutting ceremony was held.
Jenny invited eight friends and food and beverage sponsors to take part in the ribbon cutting, announcing the official opening of jennyang’s first flash shop.
The joint venture between jennyang and K11 fully reflects the quality style of JY. For JY, it’s an attempt to enter high-end shopping malls and create a better future with a good start.
JY goddess, VIP customers and media friends are invited to witness this special moment. Guests from all over the world, Britain, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Romania Different nationalities, different skin colors, out of the heartfelt love of jennyang, gathered together.
The scene was in a harmonious atmosphere. Everyone raised their glasses to celebrate the opening of jennyang brand flash shop and wish everything goes well in the new year.
(address: Shop 208, second floor, K11 shopping Art Center, Shanghai)
In March, the grass grows and the warbler flies. Jennyang K11 flash shop can be used as a new clock in point. As we all know, K11 is the fashion vane of Shanghai, with unique geographical conditions. Chanel, Maxmara, Cartier, Segio Rossi on the first floor, Jennyang on the right side of the elevator on the second floor, adjacent to Jimmy Choo. Welcome to Shanghai and JY fans in Shanghai.
Besides Changle Road and K11 in Shanghai, there are four seasons hotel in Beijing, langting hotel in Hefei and W hotel in Suzhou. You can also find Jennyang.
If you do not wake up, you may want to stay at home, you can also focus on the JENNYANG official account, and click the small program to place a key. In the future, JY will expand other categories, such as accessories, women’s bags, rich goddess’s wardrobe
Just as jennyang advocated “colour your world with comfort”.
There is always a touch of color, decorate your world.
In Shanghai at the end of February, with continuous drizzle and chilly spring, the branches in the streets and alleys sprout and are full of vitality.
On the afternoon of February 28, the jennyang Shanghai K11 flash shop on the second floor of Shanghai K11 shopping Art Center opened. It was a delicate and warm ceremony that brought people different splendor.
JY flash shop became the most popular punch in place in Shanghai, and many KOL dressed up to attend. The guests gathered at the scene, took a group photo and had a good talk. Among them, there are many heavyweight guests, including Paul Burke, former CEO of laofoye department store, Lu Zhongping, artist, Stella Yan, CEO of Wanning China, Richard Wang, CEO of UPP, Henri Joli, senior fashion expert of France, etc
After a brief welcome speech, the event officially began.
Jenny, founder of “Queen of high heels” brand jennyang, talks about the brand development history and three years’ achievements.
Jennyang is called “the high-heeled shoes with thinking, attitude and ability to run” by elites. In the past few months, the development momentum has been rapid, especially in Shanghai, where the 672 studio of Changle Road was set up first, and then the K11 flash shop was opened. A cultural street, a trend landmark, site selection and fashion.
When it comes to the origin of brand creation, Jenny sums it up as “inspiration + empowerment”. The founding of jennyang is not only a temporary passion, but also an eternal beginning.
First of all, based on herself, Jenny wants to make a pair of comfortable, beautiful and versatile ol high-heeled shoes to provide elegant and practical “winning weapon” for elite women.
Secondly, in the current market, many of the founders of shoes are men. Shoes are just a kind of commodity, but only women can understand women, and only from the perspective of women can we develop high-heeled shoes with real “Empathy”.
Finally, empowerment. Jennyang is not only a pair of high heels. As a brand carrier, it carries the spiritual meaning and enables women to draw strength from it.
When it comes to the characteristics of the brand, Jenny uses three CS to explain the characteristics and advantages of JY shoes.
The first is color. JY has more than 100 colors, including Tiffany blue, ocean blue and sapphire blue
The second is classic, classic. According to the principle of ergonomics design last, versatile style, elegant style, easy to deal with all occasions.
The third is comfort, comfort. It’s made by hand. It can be made from Size 34 to 42. It’s imported from Italy. It’s made of genuine leather. It’s breathable and skin friendly. It’s light and comfortable after standing for a long time.
Afterwards, the ribbon cutting ceremony was held.
Jenny invited eight friends and food and beverage sponsors to take part in the ribbon cutting, announcing the official opening of jennyang’s first flash shop.
The joint venture between jennyang and K11 fully reflects the quality style of JY. For JY, it’s an attempt to enter high-end shopping malls and create a better future with a good start.
JY goddess, VIP customers and media friends are invited to witness this special moment. Guests from all over the world, Britain, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Romania Different nationalities, different skin colors, out of the heartfelt love of jennyang, gathered together.
The scene was in a harmonious atmosphere. Everyone raised their glasses to celebrate the opening of jennyang brand flash shop and wish everything goes well in the new year.
(address: Shop 208, second floor, K11 shopping Art Center, Shanghai)
In March, the grass grows and the warbler flies. Jennyang K11 flash shop can be used as a new clock in point. As we all know, K11 is the fashion vane of Shanghai, with unique geographical conditions. Chanel, Maxmara, Cartier, Segio Rossi on the first floor, Jennyang on the right side of the elevator on the second floor, adjacent to Jimmy Choo. Welcome to Shanghai and JY fans in Shanghai.
Besides Changle Road and K11 in Shanghai, there are four seasons hotel in Beijing, langting hotel in Hefei and W hotel in Suzhou. You can also find Jennyang.
If you do not wake up, you may want to stay at home, you can also focus on the JENNYANG official account, and click the small program to place a key. In the future, JY will expand other categories, such as accessories, women’s bags, rich goddess’s wardrobe
Just as jennyang advocated “colour your world with comfort”.
There is always a touch of color, decorate your world.
In Shanghai at the end of February, with continuous drizzle and chilly spring, the branches in the streets and alleys sprout and are full of vitality.
On the afternoon of February 28, the jennyang Shanghai K11 flash shop on the second floor of Shanghai K11 shopping Art Center opened. It was a delicate and warm ceremony that brought people different splendor.
JY flash shop became the most popular punch in place in Shanghai, and many KOL dressed up to attend. The guests gathered at the scene, took a group photo and had a good talk. Among them, there are many heavyweight guests, including Paul Burke, former CEO of laofoye department store, Lu Zhongping, artist, Stella Yan, CEO of Wanning China, Richard Wang, CEO of UPP, Henri Joli, senior fashion expert of France, etc
After a brief welcome speech, the event officially began.
Jenny, founder of “Queen of high heels” brand jennyang, talks about the brand development history and three years’ achievements.
Jennyang is called “the high-heeled shoes with thinking, attitude and ability to run” by elites. In the past few months, the development momentum has been rapid, especially in Shanghai, where the 672 studio of Changle Road was set up first, and then the K11 flash shop was opened. A cultural street, a trend landmark, site selection and fashion.
When it comes to the origin of brand creation, Jenny sums it up as “inspiration + empowerment”. The founding of jennyang is not only a temporary passion, but also an eternal beginning.
First of all, based on herself, Jenny wants to make a pair of comfortable, beautiful and versatile ol high-heeled shoes to provide elegant and practical “winning weapon” for elite women.
Secondly, in the current market, many of the founders of shoes are men. Shoes are just a kind of commodity, but only women can understand women, and only from the perspective of women can we develop high-heeled shoes with real “Empathy”.
Finally, empowerment. Jennyang is not only a pair of high heels. As a brand carrier, it carries the spiritual meaning and enables women to draw strength from it.
When it comes to the characteristics of the brand, Jenny uses three CS to explain the characteristics and advantages of JY shoes.
The first is color. JY has more than 100 colors, including Tiffany blue, ocean blue and sapphire blue
The second is classic, classic. According to the principle of ergonomics design last, versatile style, elegant style, easy to deal with all occasions.
The third is comfort, comfort. It’s made by hand. It can be made from Size 34 to 42. It’s imported from Italy. It’s made of genuine leather. It’s breathable and skin friendly. It’s light and comfortable after standing for a long time.
Afterwards, the ribbon cutting ceremony was held.
Jenny invited eight friends and food and beverage sponsors to take part in the ribbon cutting, announcing the official opening of jennyang’s first flash shop.
The joint venture between jennyang and K11 fully reflects the quality style of JY. For JY, it’s an attempt to enter high-end shopping malls and create a better future with a good start.
JY goddess, VIP customers and media friends are invited to witness this special moment. Guests from all over the world, Britain, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Romania Different nationalities, different skin colors, out of the heartfelt love of jennyang, gathered together.
The scene was in a harmonious atmosphere. Everyone raised their glasses to celebrate the opening of jennyang brand flash shop and wish everything goes well in the new year.
(address: Shop 208, second floor, K11 shopping Art Center, Shanghai)
In March, the grass grows and the warbler flies. Jennyang K11 flash shop can be used as a new clock in point. As we all know, K11 is the fashion vane of Shanghai, with unique geographical conditions. Chanel, Maxmara, Cartier, Segio Rossi on the first floor, Jennyang on the right side of the elevator on the second floor, adjacent to Jimmy Choo. Welcome to Shanghai and JY fans in Shanghai.
Besides Changle Road and K11 in Shanghai, there are four seasons hotel in Beijing, langting hotel in Hefei and W hotel in Suzhou. You can also find Jennyang.
If you do not wake up, you may want to stay at home, you can also focus on the JENNYANG official account, and click the small program to place a key. In the future, JY will expand other categories, such as accessories, women’s bags, rich goddess’s wardrobe
Just as jennyang advocated “colour your world with comfort”.
There is always a touch of color, decorate your world.
In Shanghai at the end of February, with continuous drizzle and chilly spring, the branches in the streets and alleys sprout and are full of vitality.
On the afternoon of February 28, the jennyang Shanghai K11 flash shop on the second floor of Shanghai K11 shopping Art Center opened. It was a delicate and warm ceremony that brought people different splendor.
JY flash shop became the most popular punch in place in Shanghai, and many KOL dressed up to attend. The guests gathered at the scene, took a group photo and had a good talk. Among them, there are many heavyweight guests, including Paul Burke, former CEO of laofoye department store, Lu Zhongping, artist, Stella Yan, CEO of Wanning China, Richard Wang, CEO of UPP, Henri Joli, senior fashion expert of France, etc
After a brief welcome speech, the event officially began.
Jenny, founder of “Queen of high heels” brand jennyang, talks about the brand development history and three years’ achievements.
Jennyang is called “the high-heeled shoes with thinking, attitude and ability to run” by elites. In the past few months, the development momentum has been rapid, especially in Shanghai, where the 672 studio of Changle Road was set up first, and then the K11 flash shop was opened. A cultural street, a trend landmark, site selection and fashion.
When it comes to the origin of brand creation, Jenny sums it up as “inspiration + empowerment”. The founding of jennyang is not only a temporary passion, but also an eternal beginning.
First of all, based on herself, Jenny wants to make a pair of comfortable, beautiful and versatile ol high-heeled shoes to provide elegant and practical “winning weapon” for elite women.
Secondly, in the current market, many of the founders of shoes are men. Shoes are just a kind of commodity, but only women can understand women, and only from the perspective of women can we develop high-heeled shoes with real “Empathy”.
Finally, empowerment. Jennyang is not only a pair of high heels. As a brand carrier, it carries the spiritual meaning and enables women to draw strength from it.
When it comes to the characteristics of the brand, Jenny uses three CS to explain the characteristics and advantages of JY shoes.
The first is color. JY has more than 100 colors, including Tiffany blue, ocean blue and sapphire blue
The second is classic, classic. According to the principle of ergonomics design last, versatile style, elegant style, easy to deal with all occasions.
The third is comfort, comfort. It’s made by hand. It can be made from Size 34 to 42. It’s imported from Italy. It’s made of genuine leather. It’s breathable and skin friendly. It’s light and comfortable after standing for a long time.
Afterwards, the ribbon cutting ceremony was held.
Jenny invited eight friends and food and beverage sponsors to take part in the ribbon cutting, announcing the official opening of jennyang’s first flash shop.
The joint venture between jennyang and K11 fully reflects the quality style of JY. For JY, it’s an attempt to enter high-end shopping malls and create a better future with a good start.
JY goddess, VIP customers and media friends are invited to witness this special moment. Guests from all over the world, Britain, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Romania Different nationalities, different skin colors, out of the heartfelt love of jennyang, gathered together.
The scene was in a harmonious atmosphere. Everyone raised their glasses to celebrate the opening of jennyang brand flash shop and wish everything goes well in the new year.
(address: Shop 208, second floor, K11 shopping Art Center, Shanghai)
In March, the grass grows and the warbler flies. Jennyang K11 flash shop can be used as a new clock in point. As we all know, K11 is the fashion vane of Shanghai, with unique geographical conditions. Chanel, Maxmara, Cartier, Segio Rossi on the first floor, Jennyang on the right side of the elevator on the second floor, adjacent to Jimmy Choo. Welcome to Shanghai and JY fans in Shanghai.
Besides Changle Road and K11 in Shanghai, there are four seasons hotel in Beijing, langting hotel in Hefei and W hotel in Suzhou. You can also find Jennyang.
If you do not wake up, you may want to stay at home, you can also focus on the JENNYANG official account, and click the small program to place a key. In the future, JY will expand other categories, such as accessories, women’s bags, rich goddess’s wardrobe
Just as jennyang advocated “colour your world with comfort”.
There is always a touch of color, decorate your world.