THE JUDGE OF THE BEST INTERNATIONAL DESIGN AWARD Global Twin Cities International Festival 2018-12-05
At 2:00 p.m. on December 4, 2018, the organizing committee of THE BEST INTERNATIONAL DESIGN AWARD : Global Twin Cities International Festival held a guiding lecture on the theme of “How to realize the finalists works” at Songjiang Campus of Donghua University and provided one-on-one guidance for all the students on site in the finalists. The lecture was given by Henri Joli, a French fashion designer. He was the director of international brand marketing for LV and Chanel and is currently the chairman of the French fashion design brand Henri Joli which has stores in France, the UK and Japan. Meanwhile, Mr. Yan Ran, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Competition, and Mr. Wen Run, Teacher of the Textile College of Donghua University, also came to the site answering students’ questions and sharing experiences with them.
2018年12月4日下午两点,2018亚太亚太双城国际艺术节暨UST全球设计大奖赛组委会于东华大学松江校区,举办了一场就“入围作品成品实现”为主题的指导讲座,并在现场为所有入围大赛的同学进行了一对一指导。本次讲座主讲人为法国时装设计大师Henri Joli,曾任LV、香奈儿等国际品牌市场运营总监,现任法国服装设计Henri Joli公司董事长,在法国、英国和日本都设有专卖店。同时,本次大赛组委会主席皓然先生、东华大学纺织学院温润老师也亲临现场进行指导,为同学们解答困惑,分享经验。

At the beginning of the lecture, Master Henri Joli had a lively discussion with all the students on site. All the students talked actively. Mr. Henri Joli not only pointed out the unique shining points of each work, but also gave advice on the details of the pattern and its material selection in the next step of making the pattern into a finished product. At the same time, Mr. Henri Joli highly praised the students’ excellent works as well as the ideas and innovation in the works. He said he believed that all the works would be more amazing once they were made into real objects in the future.
讲座开始,Henri Joli大师就所有入围作品与现场同学展开了热烈地讨论,同学们积极发言,大师不仅对每个作品都指出了其独特的闪光点,并且给出了在下一步将图案制作成成品过程中,图案的细节配置以及其在质地选材方面的经验和建议。同时,大师对同学们优秀的入围作品和其旨在传达的观点及创意点赞不绝口,感叹如若这些作品将来做成实物,一定会更加惊艳。

Then, the master used works of his own as an example to introduce the combination method of patterns, fashion styles and fabrics in detail with the help of the model pictures. Since the lecture was conducted in English, the senior student Sun Weijue of the designing class took up the translation work, which enabled the students to understand the contents of the lecture more clearly, benefit more and gain more.

When seeing every piece of Haute Couture showing its charm through the unique artistic expression, all the students are deeply shocked visually and looking forward to realizing their works into finished products as soon as possible.

After the lecture, there was a Q&A session, all the students responded enthusiastically. They went to the masters, teachers and guests with their own works seeking the help to solve the confusion about the competition at this stage. This lecture not only brings different visual experience to the students, but also helps students to understand that their existing design draft needs to be made by using the fabric that matches their style and characteristics as the carrier, and only choosing the appropriate production process could make two-dimensional patterns present the best artistic effect in the three-dimensional space in the process of in-depth face-to-face communication and ideological collision with the master.

Finally, all the participants took a group photo as the successful end of the lecture.